If you haven’t read Greatest Comic Book Villain Ever
Series-Spiderman click the link below.
All right so this is the second post in the series and it
will be looking at 4 of the biggest villains in the Xmen universe. The list of villains is: Magneto, Mystique,
Sabertooth and General William Striker. I didn’t include the Phoenix because
she can switch between good and evil. Also there would be no competition with
her in it.
He is the leader of the Brotherhood and the main enemy of
the Xmen. Magneto believes that mutant kind should rule over all those who do
not possess any special abilities. His manipulation of metal allows him to be a
real threat to anyone, especially in a city like environment where there are
cars, lampposts etc. Magneto also has a major advantage over some members of
the Xmen like Wolverine and Colossus whose body is made out of metal. Magneto’s
mutant powers aren’t the only thing that makes him a dangerous foe but it’s his
power of manipulation and persuasion which provides a major problem for the
Xmen. If his comrades have been defeated by the Xmen, he can always get new
people to join the Brotherhood to replace the fallen. The helmet that he wears
makes Magneto invulnerable to mind control and psychic location meaning that no
one can read his thoughts or track him you the use of Cerebus.
Her athletic prowess is what really makes mystique a danger
in a one on one situation. Her gymnastic style offense makes her almost
impossible to catch and ground when she is fighting the Xmen. As well as her
athletic ability her main power is shape shifting or mimicking other people in
order to hide from, spy on or kill someone. The only downfall of Mystiques is
that any mutant with a psychic ability will be able to determine who she really
is even if she takes up another form.
Shown in the comics to be a sort of natural equivalent to
Wolverine, minus the adamantium skeleton. A dangerous beast with excessive
strength and speed as well as a heightened sense of smell means that Sabertooth
can easily track down the members of the Xmen and could tear them apart, limb from
limb. The extendable fingernails/claws that he possesses and the fact that he
has a similar healing ability to Wolverine makes it virtually impossible for
anyone who wants to stop Sabertooth.
General William Striker
General Striker is a man working within a secret branch of
the armed forces whose main goal is to ‘protect’ the world from mutant-kind
hence, wipe them off the face of the earth. Striker possesses no powers of his
own since he isn’t a mutant but he is extremely calculating when attempting to lure
in his next victim, be it from the Xmen or the Brotherhood. Striker was also
part of the weapon x program (which ended up being an Adamantium filled
Wolverine). Striker would manipulate mutants into getting what he wants and
then would have no problem what so ever with killing them there and then as
soon as they become useless.
FIGHT 1: Magneto
VS Sabertooth
If it were a close range battle, hand to hand combat, I
would give the win to Sabertooth as he could easily tear apart Magneto if he
got hold of him. The thing is Magneto is smart and knows that he would never at
close quarters. He would use his ability to levitate to avoid any direct
conflict and then use his powers of metal manipulation to crush Sabertooth
under a girder or some other metal structure. Magneto could pin down Sabertooth
but I doubt he would kill him. WINNER: MAGNETO
FIGHT 2: Mystique VS General Striker
Even before the fight would have started, Mystique would
have already infiltrated Strikers life learning all of his strengths and weaknesses.
Don’t think that the general wouldn’t do his homework as well though. Striker
would know all about Mystique’s athletic ability and would try and figure out a
plan to grounding her. When it comes down to the actual fight though, Striker
could try and shoot her a hundred times she’s just too fast, causing him to
lose his ground as well as his life however he does gain a broken neck from the
bout though. WINNER: MYSTIQUE.
FINAL FIGHT: Magneto VS Mystique
If you liked this post or if you disagree entirely with it
please comment below. Also if you want to see more of the Greatest Comic Book
Villains Ever Series follow this blog and I’ll keep posting.
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