Friday, 7 September 2012

What happened to the Riddler?

Before the final Christopher Nolan film of the trilogy was announced there were many speculations that The Riddler was going to play the main protagonist in the Dark Knight Rises. Mock up posters were made and posted all over the internet and rumours that Johnny Depp was going to be cast as the genius villain.  Don’t get me wrong Bane was an awesome villain to choose and his story interweaved brilliantly with the Batman begins but I can’t help but wonder that The Riddler would have been a more popular choice and someone that more people would know of. Think about it, in Batman and Robin Bane was just used as muscle for Poison Ivy and was introduced to the audience as an idiot. Don’t get me wrong, Tom Hardy and Christopher Nolan did an amazing job in bringing the Bane character to the big screen and portraying him as a smart, dangerous serial killer who also has a soft side with his love for Talia al Guhl.

Like I mentioned earlier Bane’s story, as well as the whole of the Dark Knight Rises film, is extremely well linked to Batman Begins with Bane being trained in the League of Shadows (the same place Bruce Wayne got his training) as well as Raz Al Guhl’s daughter Talia being bought in as well as a small bit from Liam Neeson himself reviving his role from the first film.  I just believe that the Riddler would provide more of an intellectual problem to Batman rather than a physical one. It would not have to be linked to any of the films beforehand such as The Dark Knight didn’t really have much of a link to Batman Begins (other than the joker card handed to Batman at the very end of the first film).
Obviously this will never happen now since Nolan as ended on an incredible high with the Dark Knight trilogy but perhaps it could happen in another potential film that all of us fans want. Maybe The Riddler could be bought into a potential Robin/Nightwing film  (As mentioned in an earlier post)

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