Whether Pokemon evolve into something awesome such as Magikarp to Gyarados or Feebas to Milotic the evolution in pokemon is effectively always better for the trainer. Also the permanent change ensures that the trainers pokemon is the best it can be (not including EV training). The difference with Digimon is that the effects aren't permanent and they return to their original state after battle.
Another difference between the two series is the amount of evolutions Pokemon or Digimon can have. Discounting Eevee, Pokemon have a maximum of three stages of evolution. An example of this is Bulbasaur evolves into Ivysaur and Ivysaur evolves into Venasaur. This is not the case however since Digimon can have a number of evolutions along with the digi-egg evolutions as well. The picture below will show you all of the possible stages of Agumon.
When attacking an opponent, Pokemon can have a variety of moves (limited to 4 moves in the game) at their disposal in order to beat their rival where as Digimon appear to be limited to one, maybe two, moves per evolution. Although they have very little variety in the offence that they use, Digimon appear not to suffer from type disadvantages where as Pokemon do. So an example of this is if a Gyrados used thunder against Gabumon, it would do now more damage than if it used Hydro Pump which would put Digimon at an advantage if the two series went to war (which would be awesome :3)
So as you can see from reading this blog is that Pokemon and Digimon are definitely not the same thing, even if one or two have similar looking monsters in their arsenal they are totally different which makes it more enjoyable for fan of either series or especially both.
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