So I know that this film has been out for ages and that most
of the world has probably seen it by the time you read this but hey ho, I’m
going to tell you my views anyway.
Obviously there was an extreme amount of buzz about this film
when it was first announced that it was hitting the silver screen. Honestly I
was a bit sceptical about how good the Dark Knight Rises could actually be
seeing how successful the Dark Knight was. The Dark Knight also had, in my
opinion, the greatest comic book villain ever, The Joker who was played to
perfection by the late Heath Ledger. The character as well as the whole film
was done so well that I struggled to see how the Dark Knight Rises could even
come close to it. I was also a bit worried about how Bane was going to be
portrayed since he was not the Venom fuelled thug that has been portrayed in
the comics over the years. Well luckily all of my scepticisms went away as soon
as the lights in the cinema dimmed.

Throughout the whole film there are tense moments, twists
and turns and just plain epic scenes. I was actually scared for the life of
Batman when he carried off that nuclear bomb off out of Gotham city. Knowing
that there wasn’t going to be another Dark Knight film I truly thought that
Bruce Wayne had finally given everything to the people of Gotham in order to
save them. The film also raises a lot of
emotions within you whilst watching as in parts you feel sad like Alfred
leaving Bruce and the ‘death’ of Batman, Anger ,When Selina Kyle betrays Batman
which eventually leads to his back being broken and just pure shock with the
revealing that Talia Al Guhl has been helping calling all of the shots.
Like mentioned earlier, Christopher Nolan has done an
amazing job at mixing tension and emotion with epic fight scenes like when
Batman and the police face-off against Bane and his army. The scale of all the amazing effects as well
as the not over acted fight scenes adds a massive sense of realism to the film
making you think that the two sides have actually band together in an attempt
to fight the other.
Overall I think that this film is only second to Dark Knight
but that has nothing to do with the directing, acting and writing of The Dark
Knight Rises but simply to do with the fact that Heath Ledger played an amazing
role as the Joker which I personally think that it can never be topped.
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