So the internet and the news has been buzzing with news that Disney has purchased both LucasFilms and Lucas arts and we already know that there are going to be remakes of all the films as well as: Star Wars Episode 7-9 which undoubtedly will be frickin' awesome.
The thoughts of most gamers now is will Disney will inject a ton of money into Battlefront 3 to give the fans what they have been craving for years now. Let's be honest Disney would make an absolute killing in the game, especially if they are doing post- Return of the Jedi as well, enticing all the hardcore Star Wars fans as well as giving all of the fans an epic experience, especially since PSN and XBOX Live has really taken off since Battlefront 2. 32 player online battles, both in space and on numerous planets that are present in the films as well as others from the Star Wars universe.
It has been reported from that the game was already in it's final phases before it was eventually scrapped. This can be seen as slightly encouraging though since Disney clearly have the money to fund this project. Hell they could do it from scratch and produce one the best first-person shooters of the year, maybe even ever.
Although it's only been a recent purchase for Disney, there should be serious talks about this game. If not now, there should be soon. And if there's not, as fans of either the games, the films or general Star Wars universe or all above the mentioned, we as fans should start a petition to get this game into production.
Thank you for reading! if you liked this post, please read the others I have posted or follow us on twitter at:
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Wednesday, 7 November 2012
Tuesday, 25 September 2012
Pokemon and Digimon, the same thing?
So no one can argue that Pokemon has one of the biggest fan bases of all time whether you are a fan of the Anime, Manga, games or just everything, you would expect that Pokemon would be classed as one of the best things ever, which in my opinion it is. However you cannot count Digimon out . Yes. the fan base is a lot smaller than that of Pokemon and the series isn't still going but please just take a moment to realise how awesome it truly was.
To start with I'm going to look at the similarities and differences of Pokemon and Digimon when it comes to the starter partners that each character in both series has. With both Pokemon and Digimon you get a starter whether it's Ash's Pikachu or Tai's Agumon, everybody in both series has one. The difference is that in Pokemon you have the option to collect more Pokemon and add them to your team (which most people do) where as in Digimon you stick with your digital monster throughout and you both remain loyal to each other. Although both seem to be loyal to their trainers/friends, Digimon seem to be more determined in protecting their partners from any incoming danger, defending their human counterpart willingly compared to Pokemon who are made to be battled.
Whether Pokemon evolve into something awesome such as Magikarp to Gyarados or Feebas to Milotic the evolution in pokemon is effectively always better for the trainer. Also the permanent change ensures that the trainers pokemon is the best it can be (not including EV training). The difference with Digimon is that the effects aren't permanent and they return to their original state after battle.
Another difference between the two series is the amount of evolutions Pokemon or Digimon can have. Discounting Eevee, Pokemon have a maximum of three stages of evolution. An example of this is Bulbasaur evolves into Ivysaur and Ivysaur evolves into Venasaur. This is not the case however since Digimon can have a number of evolutions along with the digi-egg evolutions as well. The picture below will show you all of the possible stages of Agumon.
When attacking an opponent, Pokemon can have a variety of moves (limited to 4 moves in the game) at their disposal in order to beat their rival where as Digimon appear to be limited to one, maybe two, moves per evolution. Although they have very little variety in the offence that they use, Digimon appear not to suffer from type disadvantages where as Pokemon do. So an example of this is if a Gyrados used thunder against Gabumon, it would do now more damage than if it used Hydro Pump which would put Digimon at an advantage if the two series went to war (which would be awesome :3)
So as you can see from reading this blog is that Pokemon and Digimon are definitely not the same thing, even if one or two have similar looking monsters in their arsenal they are totally different which makes it more enjoyable for fan of either series or especially both.
Whether Pokemon evolve into something awesome such as Magikarp to Gyarados or Feebas to Milotic the evolution in pokemon is effectively always better for the trainer. Also the permanent change ensures that the trainers pokemon is the best it can be (not including EV training). The difference with Digimon is that the effects aren't permanent and they return to their original state after battle.
Another difference between the two series is the amount of evolutions Pokemon or Digimon can have. Discounting Eevee, Pokemon have a maximum of three stages of evolution. An example of this is Bulbasaur evolves into Ivysaur and Ivysaur evolves into Venasaur. This is not the case however since Digimon can have a number of evolutions along with the digi-egg evolutions as well. The picture below will show you all of the possible stages of Agumon.
When attacking an opponent, Pokemon can have a variety of moves (limited to 4 moves in the game) at their disposal in order to beat their rival where as Digimon appear to be limited to one, maybe two, moves per evolution. Although they have very little variety in the offence that they use, Digimon appear not to suffer from type disadvantages where as Pokemon do. So an example of this is if a Gyrados used thunder against Gabumon, it would do now more damage than if it used Hydro Pump which would put Digimon at an advantage if the two series went to war (which would be awesome :3)
So as you can see from reading this blog is that Pokemon and Digimon are definitely not the same thing, even if one or two have similar looking monsters in their arsenal they are totally different which makes it more enjoyable for fan of either series or especially both.
If you liked this post remember to +1 and share with everyone as well as following this blog to really help me out.
Thank you.
Tuesday, 18 September 2012
Greatest Comic Book Villain Ever Series- Batman part 2
So here is the second part of the Batman series. The winner
of this post will join Carnage, Magneto and the Joker as well as more villains in the
upcoming days and weeks.
The link for the Greatest Comic Book Villain Ever Series-
Batman Part 1 is below.
To check out the other posts in the series you can find the links at the bottom.
To check out the other posts in the series you can find the links at the bottom.
Okay so the list of villains for this post is: The Riddler,
Raz al Guhl, Bane and the Penguin. These guys were left out of the first part
to create a more dynamic and diverse selection at the end. Okay so here we go
The Riddler
Raz al Guhl
Leader of the league of shadows and master of several
martial art techniques means that Raz al Guhl is probably the most deadly
fighter that Batman has ever come across. Raz al Guhl was also Batman’s mentor,
training him, improving his fighting technique and increasing Bruce Wayne’s
potential to fight crime. This proves a real problem for the dark knight
because R.A.G knows Batman’s moveset and will possibly be able to predict his
offensive attack. Raz al Guhl also has a serious hatred for crime which is
shown in both the comics and the first and last films in the Dark Knight series.
This hatred will prove very useful in the fights against the other competitors
in this series.
Penguin is a mob boss through and through, just with added
psychosis to help him achieve his extreme goals with an ‘any means necessary’ attitude.
He is extremely ruthless and an unforgiving person as if you fail him you are
likely to get killed. Wielding nothing more than a gun and his ‘special’
umbrella, Penguin is the type of person who doesn’t and will just kill you now
just to get you out of the way rather than interrogating his victims first.
A venom fuelled behemoth with amazing strength that even
Killer Croc was overpowered by. The venom turns Bane into a monster with
destruction on his mind, be it people or places. All though juiced up with
venom, Bane is also intelligent which helps him in fight situations. Bane
wields nothing more than his fists as he needs no other weapon, showing you how
strong he is. Finally Bane will always be known as the man(/monster) who ‘broke
the bat
FIGHT 1 The Riddler VS Raz al Guhl
In a random encounter with no previous preparation the Raz
al Guhl would be able to slice The Riddler into two almost instantly. However
if it were a planned scenario with The Riddler setting traps then he would have
a much needed advantage of the leader of the League of Shadows. All though
these riddles and traps would prove to be a much harder task for Raz al Guhl,
he would still be able to pass them all, running his blade through the chest of
The Riddler. WINNER: Raz al Guhl.
FIGHT 2: Bane VS The Penguin
This fight would just be the pure strength of Bane against
the sheer aggressiveness of The Penguin. Although Penguin would fire shot after
shot into the rampaging Bane, Penguin wouldn’t be able to stop the leviathan
from charging at him. Bane would easily lift and throw The Penguin through a
wall, severely crippling him. WINNER: BANE
FINAL FIGHT: Raz al Guhl VS Bane
It would be a student vs teacher fight to the death between
these two, Raz al Guhl would have speed on his side where as Bane would
obviously have the strength advantage over his enemy. Hitting Bane with
multiple kicks, punches and sword strikes, Raz al Guhl would be able to slow
the venom induced beast down but not be able to stop him. Bane would be able to
grab his former master and break him into two just like he did with Batman. Raz
al Guhl wouldn’t die but a little trip to a Lazarus pit may be in order.
Thanks so much for reading this post, was a bit of a long
one! If you liked it please comment or +1 and remember to subscribe to this
blog to ensure you don’t miss a thing! If you have a different opinion on who
you thought should have one comment below to make your point.
If you want to read more in this series click these links
Spiderman Villains-
X-Men Villains-
Monday, 17 September 2012
Sunday, 16 September 2012
Saturday, 15 September 2012
Avengers VS X-Men Movie
Okay so if you read this and became a little bit too excited I apologise now. :P
With the new comic book series becoming such a success, I was thinking how awesome it would be if they made a movie(s) later down the line. With the avengers movie success as well as the older X-men films, it would seem right to make this movie. The Avengers wad classed as a sort of super movie due to the fact that it bought together a number of individuals, all with successful films of their own, and put them into one epic movie.
Although there maybe new X-men origins films coming out, they could place the Avengers VS X-men film(s) in between. The problem with adding the X-men to the mix is that in 'X-men Last Stand' three of the main characters died (Cyclops, Professor X and Jean Grey/Phoenix) How this could be sorted in a film I'm not really sure because it is very unlikely that they'll be the fallen X-men back from the dead. Maybe they would put more of the lime-light on different members of the X-men, like Colossus or Archangel whilst still keeping the big names like Storm and Wolverine in the mix.
Another problem is who would win. Obviously the comic book series is still going on which means none of us fans know who is going to win the war. This could mean that it would take years before the movie went into production which would really suck.
So, who do you want to win the massive Marvel war which could change the whole of the Marvel universe forever.
Comment below with your thoughts about ideas and whatnot. If you like this post please follow me on Blogger and +1 this post. You would be awesome :D
With the new comic book series becoming such a success, I was thinking how awesome it would be if they made a movie(s) later down the line. With the avengers movie success as well as the older X-men films, it would seem right to make this movie. The Avengers wad classed as a sort of super movie due to the fact that it bought together a number of individuals, all with successful films of their own, and put them into one epic movie.
Although there maybe new X-men origins films coming out, they could place the Avengers VS X-men film(s) in between. The problem with adding the X-men to the mix is that in 'X-men Last Stand' three of the main characters died (Cyclops, Professor X and Jean Grey/Phoenix) How this could be sorted in a film I'm not really sure because it is very unlikely that they'll be the fallen X-men back from the dead. Maybe they would put more of the lime-light on different members of the X-men, like Colossus or Archangel whilst still keeping the big names like Storm and Wolverine in the mix.
Another problem is who would win. Obviously the comic book series is still going on which means none of us fans know who is going to win the war. This could mean that it would take years before the movie went into production which would really suck.
So, who do you want to win the massive Marvel war which could change the whole of the Marvel universe forever.
Comment below with your thoughts about ideas and whatnot. If you like this post please follow me on Blogger and +1 this post. You would be awesome :D
Black widow,
Captain America,
Marvel Comics,
Thursday, 13 September 2012
Greatest Comic Book Villains Ever Series- Batman Pt. 1
Ok so in this post we will be looking at the first bunch of
DC villains and I thought what better comic to look at? Also helps that these
are my favourite comics. Because there are so many potential winners from these
comics that is going to be done in two parts with part 2 being uploaded a
couple of days after this one. Okay so the list of villains for part one is:
The Joker, Two-Face, Hush and Mr
The Joker
The Joker is without question Batman’s greatest enemy of all
time, attacking and killing people close to him. For example, Joker beat the
crap out of the original Robin killing him as well as shooting and paralysing
Barbara Gordon (Batgirl/Oracle). The Jokers insanity, along with a variety of
weapons, mean you can never predict The Joker as well as never knowing when or how he is
going to kill someone. His obsession with Batman and destruction makes The
Joker extremely dangerous to anyone who comes into contact with. Also The Joker
is known to manipulate people, including other super villains, to get what he
wants as well as giving him the edge in a fight.
A bipolar schizophrenic who is obsessed with his two faced
coin, of which he cannot function or live without. Using his coin to determine
the fate of his enemies Two-Face can use it to determine methods of killing as
opposed to just whether or not he could kill someone. Two-Face’s previous
experience as district attorney means that her is very influential, amassing a
massive gang to take down his rivals.
Hush is obsessed with Bruce Wayne rather than Batman which
is unlike most of the other villains in the book. So obsessed in fact that he
removed his own face and grafted on a new one, just to look exactly like Bruce.
His excellent surgical skills along with his dual-pistols means that Hush could
kill you in a number of ways including torture in the form of removing the
victims face whilst still conscious. His bandaged head is also used to install
fear into his victims.
Mr Freeze
Mr Freeze is a man who turned to crime in order to save the
love of his life Nora. If her safety is threatened in anyway at all, Freeze
will go on a rampage looking for the accused. Wielding an ice cannon, which can
freeze anything on the spot, as well as his special cooling suit with
additional weaponry, make Mr Freeze a dangerous foe indeed. To get him into the fight Nora would have to
be taken and her resurrection would be his prize.
FIGHT 1:Joker VS Mr Freeze
Okay so the Joker has the speed advantage where as Freeze has the power along with the dangerous ice cannon. Joker has an arsenal of different weaponry though which could cause serious damage to Mr Freeze. All though his Joker venom would have no effect on Freeze, due to him being inside a suit, his other weapons could cause serious damage to Freeze, shutting down his suit and causing him to die.
FIGHT 2:Hush VS Two-Face
Both wield pistols and would have an excellent stand-off. Maybe Hush would have the psychological edge over Two-Face if he made references about healing his scarred face, but that might not really bother Two-Face. A close quarter combat would lead to Two-Face being defeated in the fight and subsequently be executed.
Both of these villains can actually carry themselves in a fist fight with both having different styles. Hush more aggressive as opposed to The Joker who has a more flamboyant style. Joker would probably try to psych Hush out with his erratic behaviour, causing Hush to be distracted and that is when the Joker will get the killer blow.
Wednesday, 12 September 2012
Greatest Comic Book Villain Ever Series- Xmen
If you haven’t read Greatest Comic Book Villain Ever
Series-Spiderman click the link below.
All right so this is the second post in the series and it
will be looking at 4 of the biggest villains in the Xmen universe. The list of villains is: Magneto, Mystique,
Sabertooth and General William Striker. I didn’t include the Phoenix because
she can switch between good and evil. Also there would be no competition with
her in it.
He is the leader of the Brotherhood and the main enemy of
the Xmen. Magneto believes that mutant kind should rule over all those who do
not possess any special abilities. His manipulation of metal allows him to be a
real threat to anyone, especially in a city like environment where there are
cars, lampposts etc. Magneto also has a major advantage over some members of
the Xmen like Wolverine and Colossus whose body is made out of metal. Magneto’s
mutant powers aren’t the only thing that makes him a dangerous foe but it’s his
power of manipulation and persuasion which provides a major problem for the
Xmen. If his comrades have been defeated by the Xmen, he can always get new
people to join the Brotherhood to replace the fallen. The helmet that he wears
makes Magneto invulnerable to mind control and psychic location meaning that no
one can read his thoughts or track him you the use of Cerebus.
Her athletic prowess is what really makes mystique a danger
in a one on one situation. Her gymnastic style offense makes her almost
impossible to catch and ground when she is fighting the Xmen. As well as her
athletic ability her main power is shape shifting or mimicking other people in
order to hide from, spy on or kill someone. The only downfall of Mystiques is
that any mutant with a psychic ability will be able to determine who she really
is even if she takes up another form.
Shown in the comics to be a sort of natural equivalent to
Wolverine, minus the adamantium skeleton. A dangerous beast with excessive
strength and speed as well as a heightened sense of smell means that Sabertooth
can easily track down the members of the Xmen and could tear them apart, limb from
limb. The extendable fingernails/claws that he possesses and the fact that he
has a similar healing ability to Wolverine makes it virtually impossible for
anyone who wants to stop Sabertooth.
General William Striker
General Striker is a man working within a secret branch of
the armed forces whose main goal is to ‘protect’ the world from mutant-kind
hence, wipe them off the face of the earth. Striker possesses no powers of his
own since he isn’t a mutant but he is extremely calculating when attempting to lure
in his next victim, be it from the Xmen or the Brotherhood. Striker was also
part of the weapon x program (which ended up being an Adamantium filled
Wolverine). Striker would manipulate mutants into getting what he wants and
then would have no problem what so ever with killing them there and then as
soon as they become useless.
FIGHT 1: Magneto
VS Sabertooth
If it were a close range battle, hand to hand combat, I
would give the win to Sabertooth as he could easily tear apart Magneto if he
got hold of him. The thing is Magneto is smart and knows that he would never at
close quarters. He would use his ability to levitate to avoid any direct
conflict and then use his powers of metal manipulation to crush Sabertooth
under a girder or some other metal structure. Magneto could pin down Sabertooth
but I doubt he would kill him. WINNER: MAGNETO
FIGHT 2: Mystique VS General Striker
Even before the fight would have started, Mystique would
have already infiltrated Strikers life learning all of his strengths and weaknesses.
Don’t think that the general wouldn’t do his homework as well though. Striker
would know all about Mystique’s athletic ability and would try and figure out a
plan to grounding her. When it comes down to the actual fight though, Striker
could try and shoot her a hundred times she’s just too fast, causing him to
lose his ground as well as his life however he does gain a broken neck from the
bout though. WINNER: MYSTIQUE.
FINAL FIGHT: Magneto VS Mystique
If you liked this post or if you disagree entirely with it
please comment below. Also if you want to see more of the Greatest Comic Book
Villains Ever Series follow this blog and I’ll keep posting.
New Marvel comic book series announced- THUNDERBOLTS!!!
Marvel Comics,
Red Hulk,
Batman Villain Part 2
Eventually Franco became the chief of medicine at the Arkham Asylum due to
a close relationship with Hugo Strange. From his new position, Franco was able
to gain access to all of the criminals files allowing him to learn the true
identity of the Scarecrow (Jonathan Crane).
Re-reading the files over and over again, his levels of obsession rose once
again pushing him further into insanity. During the Arkham Asylum takeover by
the inmates, due to Harley Quinn releasing the Joker, Franco fled until he
transformed into the Messiah, returning to the island through a secret passage
that was constructed for Victor Zsasz allowing him to escape multiple times.
The Messiah hunted down the Scarecrow, who by this point had joined forces with
the Joker and Mr Zsasz. Franco tracked
down the sewers as he witnessed Batman try to apprehend Crane. Franco watched
from the shadows as Crane was pulled under the water by Killer Croc. Enraged
that he wasn’t the one to kill Crane, Franco fled the island on a spare titan
container, avoiding the police and any inmates that had escaped.
After realising that his aim in life had been stolen from him, Franco
checked himself into the metropolis city asylum
ensuring that none of the inmates would recognise him. Abandoning the
messiah persona , Franco decided to spend his riches on running his own private
medical school. He had an excellent pupils such as Thomas Elliot, later to be
known as Hush, Franco’s arch enemy. After discovering that Elliot was Hush ,
Franco plunged two needles full of hydrogen peroxide causing the red blood
cells in Hush’s body to burst causing his internal organs to start shutting
down. Although Hush survived, Franco kept his bandages, coat and gloves as a
little memento, storing them in a glass cabinet proudly on display. With his
psyche broken, Franco created a new identity, the Collector, donning his old
leather coat and newly designed metallic gloves (now soaked in concentrate
sulphuric acid to cause burns to the victims as well as soaking into their
bloodstream). He now wore a newly designed black mask which he wore a top hat
in top of it. Wearing blood red trousers
and spiked, knee high boots, the Collector was born.
Once Franco had revived his role as an extreme vigilante, he started
hunting down the only remaining member of the group that ruined his life, the
crime lord of the underworld, Black Mask. Franco tracked down Roman Sionis and
beat him within an inch of his life, refusing to kill Sionis because the Franco
side of the Collector was still strong enough to oppose against his bodies
actions. Like with Hush, the Collector stripped Black Mask of his suit, his gun
and of course his mask to add to his own collection.
With his medical school now failing since the departure of Thomas Elliot,
who was still on life support, and his other students simply not making the
cut, Franco dived into drink and depression. This boosted the darker sides of
Franco’s brilliant, yet fractured mind. The Collector soon fully took over
Franco’s mind, shutting down his medical school and turning it into a sort of
museum in which the Collector could show off his trophies collected from his
fallen adversaries. The Collectors next conquest was by breaking into Oracles
house and stealing the original Batgirl suit. This led to Franco conducting a
100 page dissertation on who he believed was the man who was Batman. Heading
back to Arkham Asylum and gathering evidence and medical files that were stored
in ‘Arkham City’ and knowing that
Barbara Gordon would/is close to batman led Franco to become completely
obsessed once again.
Talking to the only man still alive that Franco believed he knew the true
identity of Batman, Franco teamed up with the Riddler in committing couple of
crimes here and there. For each successful crime committed, the Riddler
presented Franco with a new riddle. Eventually the riddles spelt out the name
Ashley Cohen, the name of one of the young interns that Franco accidently shot.
In blind rage the Collector punched the Riddler square in the jaw, completely
shattering it. Whilst still screaming in
pain, the Collector stripped Nigma of his suit, mask, hat and custom made cane.
Claiming that this trophy wouldn’t be close to the main attraction of his
display, the Riddler shot Franco in the leg causing a distinct limp that
remained with Franco throughout his life. Removing the bullet himself, Franco
vowed that he would kill The Riddler with the exact same bullet that pierced
his leg.
war of the crime underworld raged on between The Riddler and The Penguin,
Franco created an artificial aid to help him walk and run properly. Now with
The Messiah and The Collector fighting each other within Franco’s head, he
adopted a whole new persona known as the Grim Reaper.
Greatest Comic Book Villain Ever Series-Spiderman
All right so last night I was thinking about who the
greatest Comic Book villain was in the history of Comics and decided to come up
with a series of posts eliminating those who do not make the grade. This series
includes both Marvel and DC comics as well as Todd McFarlane’s Spawn.
So this first blog is about the villains of Spiderman. My
choices to review are; Venom , Carnage, Green Goblin and Dr Octopus.
A symbiotic life form that arrived from a different planet. The symbiote venom turns who ever it is joined to into a violent person , robbing their humanity and this makes me them more dangerous than ever. Latching onto Eddie Brock, the dangerous Venom is effectively a stronger and faster version than Spiderman.This could be due to the alien life form but it could also be due to the fact that Brock has for Peter Parker.Venom is cold and calculating, luring in his victims, including Spiderman, in an attempt to kill him.
Like with Venom, Carnage is also a symbiote which latches onto the crazy and deranged serial killer Cletus Kassidy. With his previous mental instability, Carnage is the most unpredictable, violent and dangerous Spiderman villains ever.He has similar abilities to both Spiderman and Venom but his erratic behaviour, along with his desire for killing, makes the villain one of the most dangerous in the whole of the marvel universe.
Green Goblin
Norman Oscorp was a brilliant scientist who owned Oscorp Industries. He injected himself with a special formula in order to become stronger, faster and have an increase in stamina. The only problem is that the serum turned him extremely aggressive as well as being insane. Green Goblin took out a personal vendetta against Spiderman and even kidnapped Peter Parker's child. The most dangerous thing though is that the original Green Goblin inspired others to follow his footsteps like his son Harry as well as inspiring the many incarnations of Hobgoblin.
Dr Octopus
Octo Octavius was another brilliant scientist until his experiment went wrong. 4 metal arms were fused to his body and are controlled by the doctors mind. The mechanical arms increase the speed and strength of Octavius whilst wielding them pin point accuracy. The arms have been upgraded over the years to do various tasks like shooting lasers etc.
FIGHT 1: Venom vs Green Goblin
Although the Green Goblin has a number of weapons in his arsenal I believe that Venom would take advantage and make the kill due to his symbiotic speed and ruthlessness.
FIGHT 2: Carnage vs Doctor Octopus
All though the mechanical arms of Doc Ock would do some serious damage to Carnage, I think that the deranged mind of Carnage would somehow find a way of tearing off the metal attachments of Doctor Octopus and eventually causing his death.
FINAL FIGHT: Venom vs Carnage
Although both villains are symbiotes I believe that Carnage would have the upper hand due to the completely deranged and violent mind of Kassidy. Venom would put up a good fight but I see this turning out like the comics with Carnage on top.
Winner of the Spiderman Villain heats:
Tuesday, 11 September 2012
The Dark Knight Rises Review
So I know that this film has been out for ages and that most
of the world has probably seen it by the time you read this but hey ho, I’m
going to tell you my views anyway.
Obviously there was an extreme amount of buzz about this film
when it was first announced that it was hitting the silver screen. Honestly I
was a bit sceptical about how good the Dark Knight Rises could actually be
seeing how successful the Dark Knight was. The Dark Knight also had, in my
opinion, the greatest comic book villain ever, The Joker who was played to
perfection by the late Heath Ledger. The character as well as the whole film
was done so well that I struggled to see how the Dark Knight Rises could even
come close to it. I was also a bit worried about how Bane was going to be
portrayed since he was not the Venom fuelled thug that has been portrayed in
the comics over the years. Well luckily all of my scepticisms went away as soon
as the lights in the cinema dimmed.

Throughout the whole film there are tense moments, twists
and turns and just plain epic scenes. I was actually scared for the life of
Batman when he carried off that nuclear bomb off out of Gotham city. Knowing
that there wasn’t going to be another Dark Knight film I truly thought that
Bruce Wayne had finally given everything to the people of Gotham in order to
save them. The film also raises a lot of
emotions within you whilst watching as in parts you feel sad like Alfred
leaving Bruce and the ‘death’ of Batman, Anger ,When Selina Kyle betrays Batman
which eventually leads to his back being broken and just pure shock with the
revealing that Talia Al Guhl has been helping calling all of the shots.
Like mentioned earlier, Christopher Nolan has done an
amazing job at mixing tension and emotion with epic fight scenes like when
Batman and the police face-off against Bane and his army. The scale of all the amazing effects as well
as the not over acted fight scenes adds a massive sense of realism to the film
making you think that the two sides have actually band together in an attempt
to fight the other.
Overall I think that this film is only second to Dark Knight
but that has nothing to do with the directing, acting and writing of The Dark
Knight Rises but simply to do with the fact that Heath Ledger played an amazing
role as the Joker which I personally think that it can never be topped.
Monday, 10 September 2012
Sunday, 9 September 2012
Possible TNA/ROH storyline
Okay bear with me on this. I know TNA are currently running
the Aces and Eights invasion storyline but it seems to me that these guys are
indy wrestlers plucked from various promotions across the US (Well that’s my
theory anyway). Don’t get me wrong I love this angle as it adds a lot of
suspense and drama to the show as every week you wonder who is behind all of
the attacks as well as who is the gangs next victims.
My idea is this. Each televised show that the promotions
have they take cheap pops at each other. TNA can say that ROH is just a bunch
of rejects and nobodies whereas ROH
could say that Impact wrestling is just full of old performers
attempting to hang onto their last shred of fame (shots at Hulk Hogan, Mr
Anderson, Kurt Angle, Jeff Hardy, Sting as well as others). Then as ROH is more
internet centred than TNA, they make shoot videos on TNA which would hopefully
provide the world with more knowledge about the ROH promotion.
Jay Lethal could return to TNA and receive a massive pop
from the crowd, saying how good it is to be back in front of his main crowd. As
Hulk Hogan enters the ring and welcomes back Lethal to TNA, talking about all
of the changes since he last was there, the ring gets surrounded by a number of
ROH guys who would be mentioned by name from the announce team. As Hogan and
Lethal prepare to defend themselves against the invaders Lethal hits Hogan with
his finisher allowing the rest of the ROH wrestlers to commandeer the ring,
surround a lifeless Hogan. Lethal tells the TNA crowd that they are nothing but
scum, watching this second rate show because they are all to poor and trash to
watch a proper wrestling promotion like Ring of Honour. A gang of TNA wrestlers
appear at the top of the ramp lead by world heavyweight champion Austin Aries.
Aries tells the ROH members that TNA is above them, they are nothing but
backyard wrestlers who only do shows at schools and gyms whereas TNA can do
sold out shows around the world. As the TNA gang head down the ramp they are
ambushed by either side as more Ring of Honour wrestlers enter the arena from
the crowd, isolating each member of the gang. Forcing his way on commentary,
Lethal addresses the world that this is ROH’s time to hit the big leagues. They
will do what TNA couldn’t. They WILL be the new number one wrestling promotion.
To do that they will destroy TNA. At the
next ROH PPV a group of TNA wrestlers will interfere in the ROH world
heavyweight title match, dishonouring the whole of the ROH locker room. Feuds
within the promotion are put aside as the whole locker room begins to beat the
crap out of the TNA guys, causing the crowd, as well as everyone else watching,
to go nuts.
Matches would be booked in each promotion to continue the
feud with a contract signed that any of the wrestlers who interfere in any of
the TNA vs ROH matches would have their contract terminated and would be
arrested for assault. As the main thing about Ring of Honour is honour the ROH
locker room would have no problem with this. Back and forth matches would be
booked with amazing spots scattered throughout the matches. PPV victories would
be traded so that the home side would not always win at their PPV and
At Slamiversary the main event will be the TNA world
heavyweight champion, hopefully either Austin Aries, AJ styles or Samoa Joe,
will defend their title against the ROH title.
If TNA win, ROH as to sign a binding contract that will not allow them
to step onto TNA property again or for ROH to slag off TNA or any of the
competitors working for it. Amazing highs spots would be going on throughout
the whole match with interference from both sides due to the extreme importance
of this match. As both champions enter the ring and both the TNA and ROH
wrestlers have left ringside, Rhyno enters seeming ready to hit the TNA world
heavyweight champion with a gore he turns and faces the ROH champion, heavy
punch to the face and hits him with a massive gore through a table allowing TNA
to pick up the win. Peace would be restored in Impact Wrestling and ROH could
leave with their honour intact and hopefully a huge new following which would
allow the company to grow even more.
Whether you are fans of just one or both promotions you
would have to admit that this could actually work and provide both shows with a
massive rating spike and hopefully a new group of fans who have been introduced
into wrestling because of the feud or fans that would now appreciate both
Please comment with your thoughts below because I’m really
interested in what other people think of this. If you liked the post and want
to see more stuff like it please subscribe to this blog or +1 this and share it
with everyone. You can also follow me on Twitter at
My Batman Villain.
So for a while now I have had this idea for a new Batman villain which I wanted to share with people. I know that there is no way in which it will be commissioned as an actual villain in the comics, it's just a bit of fun.
Bio /Backstory
Name: Dr Jack Franco aka The messiah
Height: 6foot 6inches
Appearance: normally-short black hair, hazel
eyes, clean shaven, no tattoos, no visible scars. Messiah- Long black hair (wig), black eyes,
Tattered white mask covered in blood.
Clothes: White tattered mask covered in blood,
black trousers, tight black top, a long, black leather jacket.
Weapons: metal gloves with retractable spikes
which would be optional. Also contains a
hidden section on the palm of the glove which shoots out poisonous darts,
shutting down the victims immune system almost instantly. The messiah also
carries a staff which the tip of it is also dipped in the same poison as the
poison in the darts.
Dr Jack Franco was a well-known doctor and surgeon in Gotham general,
dealing with the most important cases and had a 500:0 life to death ratio which
earned him a high end position on the board of directors and eventually led him
to become chief of medicine. The problem arose when Franco was present on the
medical team which was present on the rehabilitation of Harvey Dent/ Two-Face.
As Franco was prescribing Dent with his medication, the hospital was ransacked
by Hush, Black Mask and the Scarecrow. Unwilling to let Dents death ruin his perfect
medical record, Franco grabbed one of the security guards gun and fired in the
direction of the three villains. Inexperienced in using firearms, Franco
accidently shot of his interns. Consumed by guilt for causing the death of two
innocent people, Franco began to plan his revenge on the villains, becoming
obsessed and on the brink of insanity in order to get his revenge.
constructed a white mask and then covered some of it in his own blood (to
signify the blood that was on his hands). Franco also attached a black wig to
the mask and added black contact lenses so that his new alter ego bore no
resemblance to the once great doctor. Now the Messiah was born to save Gotham
City forever.
messiah went on a killing spree in order to get the whereabouts of the
Scarecrow. In his opinion, Franco saw the Messiah as a completely different
person from himself creating a fractured mind of schizophrenia. The Messiah
finally tracked down the Scarecrow to an old wood mill in which the Scarecrow
was using as a base. Just as Franco was about to defeat the Scarecrow, Batman
burst through the window causing an opportunity for the Scarecrow to escape.
This allowed the Scarecrow to flood the mill with his fear gas. Franco saw his
victims as he inhaled the gas, haunting his mind and finally pushing him over
the edge of insanity. Blaming Batman for his failure to kill the Scarecrow, the
Messiah went on the hunt for him as well, torturing young medical interns to
lure the bat worked and during the middle of a fight, The Messiah
poisoned Batman with a hidden dart fired from his hand. Unfortunately for
Franco, Nightwing got hold of an antidote in time preventing the poison from
taking effect.
Hope you like it so far, if it gets enough views I'll post up the rest of what I have so far. please comment if you have any opinions on the stuff I wrote.
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Saturday, 8 September 2012
Possible Nightwing/Robin villians
So continuing on from my previous post about a potential Nightwing or Robin movie in the works, I was thinking who would be the main villain in this film or film series? In this post i have come up with a list of potential suspects who could fill the role and pull of another great movie.
The Scarecrow
A villain that had appeared in all of the Dark Knight trilogy. He has cemented himself as being a pain in the ass for Gotham city over the years. In theory he could have another massive attack on Gotham City or Bludhaven turning everyone insane from fear and ,lets just say Nightwing, swoops in, beats the crap out of him and saves the day by coming up with an antidote from using the old Batcave. Jonathan Crane is also a master of psychology as well as fear so that could play a major part in his fight against Nightwing, psychologically bullying him, forcing Night wing to make a mistake.
Black Mask
Roman Sinosis is a big time player in the comics as his alter ego Black Mask. This would be a more suitable choice if the writers and directors wanted to bring in a new villain for the new superhero to face. Black Mask doesn't have any special powers other than the fact that he is smart so by choosing him to be the main protagonist in the film would keep the realistic feel that the Dark Knight film had. The way that this could play out is that Black Mask could be running a major gang throughout Gotham or Bludhaven, controlling the crime underworld. As Nightwing steps in as he attempts to rid the city of crime, Black Mask could go on a personal vendetta against him in an attempt to regain his control of the underworld. Black Mask could kill a number of cops to try and draw out Nightwing ( Blake would feel personally involved since he was a police officer as well)
The Riddler
Edward Nigma would be a perfect villain for any Batman related film so he would provide a great role in any Nightwing film. His genius as well as his obsession of riddles would play the perfect mind game against Nightwing. Figuring out who Nightwing truely wasand he could target people close to him, taking the hostage. Whilst trying to fight the crime underworld Nightwing would have to be faced with attempting to save the people of who he cared about. There is a chance that The Riddler wouldn't be the villain simply because he is a well known enemy of Batman, not Nightwing. Introducing someone like The Riddler to a kind of new franchise may confuse people who are not much of a follower of the comic series or those who do not know much about Batman outside of the films. It is a lot more likely that the other two mentioned before hand would be the main villain in the film but a cameo from Edward wouldn't go a miss right?
A brand new villain could enter the mix who hasn't got much to do with Batman as he does with Nightwing. A master assassin, Deathstroke is the most deadly man in the DC universe, even though he is blind in one eye. His costume could be rendered to have a more realistic feel to it as opposed to the morph-suit type thing that he wears in the comics. Deathstroke is also a known villain to Nightwing as well as the rest of the Teen Titans To enter his story into the film there could be a number of assassinations which Nightwing is investigating. Beating up people as he goes it is revealed to be Deathstroke (who you get glimpses of throughout the film)
Honourable Mentions
The Ventriloquist- Schizophrenic enemy controlled by his puppet Scarface. Probably not well known enough to play the main villain in the film. Maybe a cameo like Victor Zsasz had in Batman Begins might do though
Two Face- Obviously Harvey Dent died in Dark Knight but how cool would it be if Two face controlled the remains of Gotham after the events of The Dark Knight Rises. Maybe he would get a mention as well in the film like what Bane does in the latest Batman Movie.
Firefly-Not the most well known of villains compared to some of the ones that I have mentioned but still could be a very dangerous person for Nightwing to face. also report that Firefly is actually an employee of Black Mask so he may be involved as like a secondary support villain.
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The Scarecrow
A villain that had appeared in all of the Dark Knight trilogy. He has cemented himself as being a pain in the ass for Gotham city over the years. In theory he could have another massive attack on Gotham City or Bludhaven turning everyone insane from fear and ,lets just say Nightwing, swoops in, beats the crap out of him and saves the day by coming up with an antidote from using the old Batcave. Jonathan Crane is also a master of psychology as well as fear so that could play a major part in his fight against Nightwing, psychologically bullying him, forcing Night wing to make a mistake.
Black Mask
Roman Sinosis is a big time player in the comics as his alter ego Black Mask. This would be a more suitable choice if the writers and directors wanted to bring in a new villain for the new superhero to face. Black Mask doesn't have any special powers other than the fact that he is smart so by choosing him to be the main protagonist in the film would keep the realistic feel that the Dark Knight film had. The way that this could play out is that Black Mask could be running a major gang throughout Gotham or Bludhaven, controlling the crime underworld. As Nightwing steps in as he attempts to rid the city of crime, Black Mask could go on a personal vendetta against him in an attempt to regain his control of the underworld. Black Mask could kill a number of cops to try and draw out Nightwing ( Blake would feel personally involved since he was a police officer as well)
The Riddler
Edward Nigma would be a perfect villain for any Batman related film so he would provide a great role in any Nightwing film. His genius as well as his obsession of riddles would play the perfect mind game against Nightwing. Figuring out who Nightwing truely wasand he could target people close to him, taking the hostage. Whilst trying to fight the crime underworld Nightwing would have to be faced with attempting to save the people of who he cared about. There is a chance that The Riddler wouldn't be the villain simply because he is a well known enemy of Batman, not Nightwing. Introducing someone like The Riddler to a kind of new franchise may confuse people who are not much of a follower of the comic series or those who do not know much about Batman outside of the films. It is a lot more likely that the other two mentioned before hand would be the main villain in the film but a cameo from Edward wouldn't go a miss right?
A brand new villain could enter the mix who hasn't got much to do with Batman as he does with Nightwing. A master assassin, Deathstroke is the most deadly man in the DC universe, even though he is blind in one eye. His costume could be rendered to have a more realistic feel to it as opposed to the morph-suit type thing that he wears in the comics. Deathstroke is also a known villain to Nightwing as well as the rest of the Teen Titans To enter his story into the film there could be a number of assassinations which Nightwing is investigating. Beating up people as he goes it is revealed to be Deathstroke (who you get glimpses of throughout the film)
Honourable Mentions
The Ventriloquist- Schizophrenic enemy controlled by his puppet Scarface. Probably not well known enough to play the main villain in the film. Maybe a cameo like Victor Zsasz had in Batman Begins might do though
Two Face- Obviously Harvey Dent died in Dark Knight but how cool would it be if Two face controlled the remains of Gotham after the events of The Dark Knight Rises. Maybe he would get a mention as well in the film like what Bane does in the latest Batman Movie.
Firefly-Not the most well known of villains compared to some of the ones that I have mentioned but still could be a very dangerous person for Nightwing to face. also report that Firefly is actually an employee of Black Mask so he may be involved as like a secondary support villain.
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Friday, 7 September 2012
What happened to the Riddler?
Like I mentioned earlier Bane’s story, as well as the whole
of the Dark Knight Rises film, is extremely well linked to Batman Begins with
Bane being trained in the League of Shadows (the same place Bruce Wayne got his
training) as well as Raz Al Guhl’s daughter Talia being bought in as well as a
small bit from Liam Neeson himself reviving his role from the first film. I just believe that the Riddler would provide
more of an intellectual problem to Batman rather than a physical one. It would
not have to be linked to any of the films beforehand such as The Dark Knight
didn’t really have much of a link to Batman Begins (other than the joker card
handed to Batman at the very end of the first film).
Obviously this will never happen now since Nolan as ended on
an incredible high with the Dark Knight trilogy but perhaps it could happen in
another potential film that all of us fans want. Maybe The Riddler could be
bought into a potential Robin/Nightwing film (As mentioned in an earlier post)
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Thursday, 6 September 2012
Possible Robin/Nightwing Film?
So as the dark knight trilogy has finally come to a very sad end there was a hint of a possible robin or night wing film with Joseph Gordon-Levitt playing as the costumed hero? The first hint is when John Blake goes to the orphanage and gives the receptionist his real first name which is Robin. As the receptionist says that it is a really nice name it gives us fans a little twinge hoping for a new film to be in the works.
The second big hint is that at the end of the Dark Knight
Rises, when Blake is given coordinates to the batcave as Bruce Wayne/Batman leaves
Gotham city with Selina Kyle (Catwoman). There is no explanation within the
film why he has gone there so potentially it is building up to a new film.
Blake's attitude towards crime and helping people, especially the
boys in the orphanage (seen in the Dark Knight Rises), is very similar to
Batman’s attitude, as well as the circumstances in which the two grew up (both
with dead parents) which could show that he would want to carry on the legacy
off the Dark Knight if Gotham needs it (which personally I hope they really do)
There are some sceptical people though who think that having
a Nightwing film would be too much of a niche target audience as possibly only
the hardcore comic fans would know about the story of Nightwing. I believe
however that would all be explained if the film went into production.
If it does go into the works then the obvious person to be
directing it would be Christopher Nolan. The man did an amazing job with the
latest trilogy; far beyond the fun kind of film of Batman and Robin and Batman
Forever whilst still maintain the dark edge of the Tim Burton films. We all
know Nolan will deliver in making an incredible film if we hopeful fans are
So if this movie does happen who would you like to see as
the main villain for Robin or Nightwing to thwart? Please comment below with
your suggestion.
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Thanks :D
Resident Evil: Retribution preview
So the 5th Resident Evil film is coming to the
silver screen shortly so I thought I would sneak in a little post of my
thoughts about the upcoming film. For those who haven’t seen the trailer for it
you can watch it below. Enjoy.
As the trailer shows the Umbrella Corporation has gained
control of Alice, placing her in a serene setting with Carlos as her husband
and a little daughter. Well as you can see that peace doesn’t last long. With
the zombie attack on the house as well as bringing in characters from the
previous films i.e. Jill valentine, Carlos, Rain Ocampo It raises a lot of questions of
how this happened. Is it all part of Umbrella’s control over Alice or have they
bought back all the characters in some special way? These are questions that
I’m sure will be answered in the course of the film. Also it appears that
certain characters are now baddies such as Jill Valentine (at the beginning of
the trailer). Has Umbrella taken control of them as well? Are they choosing to
accept Umbrella’s protection? We will have to wait and see.
Also having a quick peek at the official film website (link
at the bottom) it appears that Leon S Kennedy will be making an appearance. I
don’t know how much of a part he will play in the film but I’m really hoping
it’s quite big. For those of you who
don’t know who Leon is , apart from shame on you, he is the main character in
Resident Evil 4. He is sent to a remote village to rescue the president’s
daughter and bring her home safely. Avoiding all villagers, who of which, are
infected with the Los Plagas bug.
Overall then I believe that this film is truly going to be
awesome and probably topping its predecessors. I am a huge fan of the series,
both game and film, and cannot wait to get my ticket and watch in awe at all
the zombie slaying.
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Wednesday, 5 September 2012
Listen to this!!!!
The Ultimate Question in Pokemon
Which starter should I choose? At the moment I've just started playing Pokemon Soul Silver and faced with the very tough decision of which started to choose. If I choose Chikorita it is only really effective against a couple of gym leader Pokemon let alone the whole Gym leaders team. The first two gym leaders, Falkner and Bugsy there is a disadvantage for the grass type starter as it is has a weakness to flying type pokemon and grass attacks aren't very effective against bug type Pokemon. The grass type pokemon is also not effective against the steel type pokemon of Jasmine ( the 6th Gym leader)
Next there is Cyndaquil. Effective against Bugsy, Jasmine and Pryce's Piloswine. The only real disadvantage that the fire starter has against the gym leaders is Pryce's Seel and Dewgong as well as Claire's dragon team. But seeing as these are the 7th and 8th Gym leaders it is likely that I will have a decent electric type pokemon to help me through.
Finally there is Totodile. The little water type pokemon which eventually evolves into Feraligatr, the best looking starter evolution out of all 5 generations (well on par with Charizard). Totodile will struggle against the 2nd, 7 th and 8 th gym leaders and maybe Jasmine the 6 th Gym leader as well. Although Jasmine is a steel gym leader she does have to Magnemites which are bound to electric moves which will be super effective against Totodile.
So these are my concerns, really not sure what to go with so please help me choose!!! comment below if you have your choice and maybe be awesome and subscribe? :D
Next there is Cyndaquil. Effective against Bugsy, Jasmine and Pryce's Piloswine. The only real disadvantage that the fire starter has against the gym leaders is Pryce's Seel and Dewgong as well as Claire's dragon team. But seeing as these are the 7th and 8th Gym leaders it is likely that I will have a decent electric type pokemon to help me through.
Finally there is Totodile. The little water type pokemon which eventually evolves into Feraligatr, the best looking starter evolution out of all 5 generations (well on par with Charizard). Totodile will struggle against the 2nd, 7 th and 8 th gym leaders and maybe Jasmine the 6 th Gym leader as well. Although Jasmine is a steel gym leader she does have to Magnemites which are bound to electric moves which will be super effective against Totodile.
So these are my concerns, really not sure what to go with so please help me choose!!! comment below if you have your choice and maybe be awesome and subscribe? :D
Gym Leaders,
Pokemon games,
Video games,
Monday, 3 September 2012
Pokemon-Which Generation is the best?
So ever since the game series began back in 1996 there are now 649 pokemon in existence and we still all attempt to catch them all. Many people believe that the first generation of pokemon games ( Red, Blue and Yellow) was the best generation ever as well as having the best generation of pokemon. a lot of people would probably have a favourite pokemon which comes from the original 151. For example my favourite pokemon is Diglett ( I know it's sad but nothing beats shouting go you mother fucking diglett when in a pokemon battle) and my girlfriends favourite is Dragonite. So you would think that as many people think that this generation is the best it would be the best but that is not the case. Many people who stick to the first generation are classed as 'Genwunners' by people who like any of the other generation. You can see people take this piss out of it on Pokememes.
Their argument is that all the generations are still pokemon be it if they look like a caterpillar (Caterpie-Gen 1) or and Ice cream cone (Vanilluxe-Gen 5). Personally I believe that some games are better than others as well as some of the pokemon and the television shows. For example, I believe that Sinnoh league victors is the best pokemon TV series that there is but I wouldn't class the game or the actual pokemon themselves to be the best out of all of the generations.
My personal order is:
1. Generation 3- Ruby, Sapphire and Emerald
2. Generation 1- Red, Blue and Yellow
3.Generation 2&4- Silver, Gold, Crystal AND Pearl, Diamond, Platinum
4.Generation 5- Black and White
So there is my view on the whole generation problem. Please comment below to share your opinion as well as subscribing to me or sharing this post.
Their argument is that all the generations are still pokemon be it if they look like a caterpillar (Caterpie-Gen 1) or and Ice cream cone (Vanilluxe-Gen 5). Personally I believe that some games are better than others as well as some of the pokemon and the television shows. For example, I believe that Sinnoh league victors is the best pokemon TV series that there is but I wouldn't class the game or the actual pokemon themselves to be the best out of all of the generations.
My personal order is:
1. Generation 3- Ruby, Sapphire and Emerald
2. Generation 1- Red, Blue and Yellow
3.Generation 2&4- Silver, Gold, Crystal AND Pearl, Diamond, Platinum
4.Generation 5- Black and White
So there is my view on the whole generation problem. Please comment below to share your opinion as well as subscribing to me or sharing this post.
Pokemon Fanfiction
So yeah I was just wondering if anyone knows any good sites for Pokemon fan fiction. Obviously I don't want all the weird and freaky stuff but just something to help me right my own I guess. I want to write about a guy travelling through the Johto region with his trusty Houndour (which obviously will evolve into Houndoom) and all that comes along with it.
So yeah if you do have any good sites you would like to share please comment on this post. :D
OK so since I'm writing my story I was just seeing if anyone was interested in doing a heaven vs hell type thing which will help me visualise when I am writing. So, if you want to be awesome drop a comment below and we'll have a little chat
Not really expecting this to work but hey ho.
Not really expecting this to work but hey ho.
Sunday, 2 September 2012
So who is better? Joker or Venom
So each of these villains have been prominent in there relative comics i.e. Batman and spider man, but if they went head to head who do you think will win?
Personally I believe that the Joker will win as he has escaped death many times over the course of his 70+year history. He's also responsible for the death of many of Batman's friends/allies such as killing the original Robin and the paralysing Barbara Gordon (original bat-girl).
Any who please respond with your thoughts
The Prologue of my story
The world as we know it has been reduced to nothing but
rubble and dirt since their war began. No one really knows how it started but
we all know that what is left of the human race are the losers of this war.
Rumours say that the demon army first appeared in pockets across of
Europe. They destroyed everything in
their path. Those who were not obliterated by the demonic beasts were converted
into hideous mutations that were the demon foot-soldiers of the war. No longer
human, these things had extremely thin hair, almost invisible to the eye if not
seen in the correct light. Their eyes became black signifying to us all that
the poor bastards’ souls had been stolen from them. They also have needle-like
teeth which can either shred your skin from the bone or secrete what I guess is
a poison or virus into you, creating another soulless warrior in their quest
for complete dominance over us all. Even though they transformed into creatures
as if they were zombies, these fuckers were fast and surprisingly quite smart,
but only if the hunger for our meat wasn’t too overbearing. They are known as Locusts since they come in
swarms, picking and devouring every piece of life presented to them. They
quickly spread across the whole of Europe, Asia, Africa and eventually America,
consuming or converting nearly everyone and everything. Although we were the
first targets of what already seemed to be Armageddon, we weren’t their main
As more and more people got converted into these beasts, it
attracted the attention of the ‘Enlightened ones ’. Angel-like creatures with
four pure white feathery wings protruding proudly from each of the Enlightened
ones’ backs. They effectively looked like beautiful men and women, more destined
to be ripped supermodels than warriors. Fuck was I wrong. These bastards are
fighters all right. Battalions of them patrol the sky, firing pulses of
electricity and some form of light onto the masses of Locusts that prowl the
streets below. Even if you get one of the Enlightened ones grounded, you’re
still pretty fucked when you face them. Being armed with what I believe to be
two platinum blades, each wielded with extreme accuracy and power, allows the Enlightened
ones to cut through hundreds of the demonic grunts within minutes. Now you
would think that as these are angelic creatures they are here to save humanity,
they are not. They are here to keep the Earth under the control of The Almighty
One. Everyone has their own opinion of what the higher power is. Some think
it’s God, whereas others believe it could be some sort of alien. I have simply
decided that it could be anything, considering how fucked up everything is at
the moment. No one has ever seen who or what this higher power is, well no one
alive anyway.
Like with the demons, the angel-like warriors also convert
people to their army. The only difference is that it’s ‘voluntary’. Well I say
voluntary. If you decide you don’t want to join up with them it’s almost
guaranteed that you’ll be obliterated into nothing more than a handful of ash.
These bastards are smart though. They separate the ones who don’t want to be
converted from the fools who do. As the willing participants are being blessed
(a hypnotic state at the beginning of the conversion) the others are wiped off
the face of the planet simply because the Enlightened ones think that they’re potential
Locusts waiting to be transformed. The converted gain new powers but nothing as
extravagant or dangerous as the ones with pure blood. They are faster and
stronger than us but they cannot fly. They do not have the ability to shoot
light or electricity, but do seem to have healing properties. Well that’s the
only power I know they have. What I do know is that they are simply known as ‘the
So as well as these two supernatural sides there’s us. We
are the human resistance. Bands of men, women and children all joined forces in
an attempt to either survive this war or to fight for this planet. I am part of
the latter group. My name is Jack Franco, aged 31. I am a former policeman,
forensic scientist, bouncer and former addict to everything going. My life has
let me encounter people from all across the country, all under different
circumstances. For instance, at this very moment I am leading a group of five
very different people on a small gathering mission to my old apartment.
Hoep you enjoy it!!
Please comment if you think of anything that could have been done better.
Please comment if you think of anything that could have been done better.
Batman Game Number 3
Yeah so this is my first blog, doubt anyone will read it but hey-ho.
So basically what I want to write about is whether or not there will be another Batman game to continue the Arkham series. With the death of the Joker at the end of Arkham city it seems as if the series wont carry on due to the fact that they lost the main protagonist. Also there is no way that they will bring him back since Mark Hamill won't be voicing the Joker any more.
So basically what I want to write about is whether or not there will be another Batman game to continue the Arkham series. With the death of the Joker at the end of Arkham city it seems as if the series wont carry on due to the fact that they lost the main protagonist. Also there is no way that they will bring him back since Mark Hamill won't be voicing the Joker any more.
So why is there any suspicion of a new game?
Well like with Arkham Asylum hinted at Arkham City with an Easter egg in the form of blueprints, found in the secret room in the Wardens office. This hinted at the plans for the next game.
So now with Arkham City.
The big hint is that there maybe a new game being planned is when you complete the 'identity theft' side mission. As Hush leaves Arkham city, he has the face of Bruce Wayne. This raises the question about what's going to happen between Bruce Wayne and Hush.
So the next piece of potential evidence. Hidden messages discovered using the cryptographic sequencer come up with number sequences. each number represents a letter and the messages spell out ' I will return Batman', 'You will pay for what you have done to me' & 'Fear will turn Gotham city to shreds'. Using other ciphers you can also come up with the word 'Scarecrow'. This shows that it is likely that the Scarecrow will return in the next game if it happens.
My Final point for a new game is after you complete the watcher in the wings side mission. Azrael says 'Dark days are coming Batman. The prophecy is coming true.' and 'From the ashes of Arkham, the fires will rage and Gotham will burn and you will burn too', 'We will meet again'. All these things suggest that we'll see Azrael again in the next game.
So yeah with all of this evidence you can see that it is likely that there will be a new game out, and hopefully this is true.
My Little Intro
So to be honest I am no writer. Didn't take any English subjects for my A-Levels and have never been the really creative type.Well not until recently. whilst having a lot of spare time I decided I would do a bit of writing. What started out as effectively as a written doodle as become something that I am constantly thinking about. From just planning to do a page or two just to get it out of my system, I now want to do a trilogy which I believe would be awesome. So anyway, this blog is just a general outline of what I'm doing plus I will upload some parts to see if anyone is interested. Also there will be some comic stuff as well.
Enjoy :D
Enjoy :D
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