Monday, 6 May 2013

Comic Trivia Of The Day-X-men Origins: Wolverine

So today's little piece of trivia is something that I have just realised. Literally moments before I began writing this post for you.

X-men Origins: Wolverine was probably the best of all the X-men films that have been made so far. The casting was surprisingly good and even Will.I.Am did an all right job. But the supporting character I am most interested in was Ryan Reynolds He portrays a. character known as Wade Wilson. More well known in the comic books as our favourite mercenary Deadpool.

Unfortunately for us fans he didn't turn into the character we all now and love but he turned into a super-mutant with the powers of many of the other X-men including Scott Summers, Cyclops. Although he turns into a grotesque monster which many fans feel cheated out of, there were still some subtle references to the insane character.

One is that when Wade turns into the 'The Deadpool' you see that his mouth is sewn up (see below) and Stryker says how Wade always talked to much. Obviously this is a reference to the 'Merc with a Mouth '

Another little fact is that Ryan Reynolds, like a lot of us, wanted a Deadpool film but he insisted it had to be Rated-R so that it can capture all of the magic. According to the wiki-page for X-Men Origins:Wolverine, Reynolds never wanted it to be family friendly like Captain America. So we can sit-and-wait for people to forget he was in Origins and hopefully, with probable success with the new game coming out, a film will be put into production.

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