So being bored on Facebook a friend sent me a link about Avengers 2 which I am already incredibly excited for. Clicking the link I stumble across, what I personally think, is the best news for comic film fans in a long time.
It has been announced that the writer/director Joseph Whedon for the new avenger film has announced that two new avengers will be joining the team! And they are Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch. Both of whom I am incredibly excited about. Whilst they are well known to the comic community for being the son and daughter of the powerful mutant Magneto, I am wondering whether this will be bought up in the new film which is set to be released in 2015.
Although excited I am kind of skeptical about how they are going to portray the Scarlet Witch. I know aliens and gods are not uncommon in the first Avenger film, and that it won't be as 'realistic' as the Dark Knight Trilogy, but will thy really give Scarlet Witch the almighty powers that she actually has or will they tone it down a bit. The latter would be a real shame to any comic book fan.
My last little point is that as these two new additions are actually mutants, as well as the children of a mutant, will it be mentioned/hinted at in the upcoming film? The possibility to link the 2 franchises could result in something huge for everyone, if done correctly. You have to admit that it would be freaking sweet if it led to a combined movie such as Avengers Vs X-Men (Although some key characters such as Professor X and Cyclops have already been killed off in X-men: Last Stand)
Can't wait to here more news!!
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Saturday, 18 May 2013
Sunday, 12 May 2013
Injustice: Gods Among Us Review
Today I will be looking at a number of different aspects of the game including: Story lines/plot, characters, locations ,Graphics ,move-sets and length of game-play
So when playing through the story mode you get a real sense of what you are getting into. Watching the opening scene when Joker threatens to release a nuclear bomb in Metropolis really gives you, the player, the sense that some ass really does need kicking. From the play-through you see the melt down of Superman in alternative universe where he accidently causes the destruction of the whole of Metropolis. From then on the current team from our universe help the Insurgency.
The plot is great as to see what would happen if someone regarded as the ultimate hero loses everything he loves, blinded by rage, and vows to dedicate his life to rebuilding it. It's really interesting to see the change of roles throughout the game. Heroes become your enemies and your enemies become someone you would trust your life with (still wary of The Joker of course..)
There are a total of 24 playable characters within the game including both heroes and villains such as Batman, Joker, Superman, Doomsday, Flash, Black Adam etc. During the main story mode, you get to play as the majority of heroes but you also get to play as some of the villains as well including Joker, Harley Quinn and Deathstroke. However, cool it is being a superhero and kicking butt, it's always more bad ass when you're playing as a villain.
Also currently there are 2 DLC characters which can be purchased, Lobo, who is classed as a power character, and Batgirl,who is a gadget user. Unfortunately I haven't played these characters due to the fact that I do not have Xbox Live.
Each character has at least two costumes which you need to unlock (usually done by completing the classic battle mode) which is good as it helps tweak the hero/villain to how the player wants.
The variety of characters from the DC universe allow for the player to choose their favourite, perfect their skills, and destroy their enemy be it online or offline
The locations used throughout the game are great. They range literally from the streets or Gotham all the way to the space station of Lex Luthor and everywhere in between . Throughout Gotham you can fight in a number of different places such as The Wayne Mansion (Day and Night), the Batcave, and the streets of Gotham (I think it's Crime Alley). Even in these locations, there are a number of different areas which you can battle in. It's truly awesome. The variety of locations is pretty good although I think that a couple more could have been added in the main game so that it gives a lot more variety. Maybe not near the level of Super Smash Bros, but the quality and details of each of the stages are great. To be honest I think that the fact that there are many different locations of each stage really adds to the game.
As touched previously in the locations, the graphics are pretty spectacular throughout the game, both with the stages you play in as well as the actual heroes and villains that you can play. The attention to detail for some of the more famous locations such as Arkham Asylum are great and with the added possibility of a destructible environment really shows how the developers nailed it on the head. This said however, the transition between locations on some of the stages do lose a little bit of that quality. It's hard to spot because everything moves so fast during this time but you can definitely see it if you pay attention. This is not a problem for each of the characters though. Each hero/villain looks perfect, the art team really nailed each individual not just with their biological features but there outfits as well. For example, the picture of Deathstroke above, if enlarged, you can really see all of the effort that went into his costume. Even when playing the game, features such as capes and gadgets that the character may possess move realistically with each movement really giving us, the player, the sense that it could actually all be real.
Obviously as this is a fighting game the move-set is really quite important. Each character has his/her own supermove which is visually epic as well as knocking off a third of your opponents health which really helps. You also get special moves which are tailored to each individual such as Superman's laser eyes or using Green Lantern mini-gun. But after these sets of moves you do get the familiar punches and kicks with very little variety between the characters. Because of this I found myself resorting to a bit of button-mashing which appears really quite effective in close quarters. To be honest I don't think that this was what the developers had in mind when making the game.
Also there are sequences that appear out a battle which you, the player, can select how much of your special meter you want to use. By either being the fighter who is attacking or defending, you can either dish out a 30% damage to your opponent or gain 30% health. At this current stage of playing I don't really know how this sequence is initiated or how it is determined who is attacking or defending. I think that they just appear every 35-40 in order to get the fight moving on a bit however this is also makes the player think tactically. Do you use a full metre to perform your supermove or do you the same amount of metre to regain up to 30% of your health.
When playing the game and skipping all of the cut-scenes (which I do not recommend. They are pretty awesome time to time) you can complete the main story mode in about 6 hours of solid continuous game play with a couple of retries along the way. Watching the trailers though adds up to nearly two extra hours which is actually worth it as it emerges you into the whole experience. If you don't have the game yet and want to watch some of these cut-scenes there are a lot of channels where they show them all as a kind of movie like this one--->
Although this isn't the longest story mode ever to grace video games there is a ton of extra stuff to do such as Battle mode where you can face your enemy in a number of different scenarios (fighting whilst slowly losing health because you are poisoned is a good one). Also after completing Classic Battle with a character you get to see a little insight into that character post-story mode which is pretty good. There is also S.T.A.R labs which is like a little sideline story mode, only focusing on one character for approximately 10 battles, each with certain requirements you need to do before advancing onto the next stage.
Finally, there are a lot of things to unlock such as different outfits for your characters, the concept art for the game, the soundtrack used in game-play and different battle modes. These are acquired by using tokens that you collect through levelling up (I'm currently on Level 40 and still have a long-way to go) but this adds re-playability to the game which is always good.
Overall I feel like this is a great game for any comic fans as well as any fans of games like Tekken or Mortal Combat. Whilst it may not have the move-set like those games it is still really fun to punch or kick your opponent through a cave wall or using the Supermoves to punch your enemy up to space and then slam him/her back down. It is quite easy to see why E3 awarded it with Best Fighting game of 2012
Overall : 8/10
Friday, 10 May 2013
Comic Trivia Of The Day News
Hi guys, due to the fact that I'm really busy at the moment I have to stop Comic Trivia Of The Week until next Monday (20th June). I know the fact that I don't have much followers at the moment but I thought I should let you guys know what is going on.
However there may be the odd posts, throughout that time plus the MCM expo is coming up so look forward to that!
Thanks for all the views so far and hopefully they will continue.
Azrael Nightwing
However there may be the odd posts, throughout that time plus the MCM expo is coming up so look forward to that!
Thanks for all the views so far and hopefully they will continue.
Azrael Nightwing
Wednesday, 8 May 2013
Comic Trivia Of The Day-Captain Marvel
As the title suggests we are looking at Captain Marvel (spelt Mar-Vell in the marvel universe). He is a Kree superhero that has helped save the world time and time again, and he also sacrificed himself during the Avengers vs X-men storyline (Secret Avengers #28) to save the Kree world. But did you know in another entirely separate universe, not even the Marvel Universe. Yes. That's right. DC have their own Captain Marvel.
Billy Batson's alter-ego is more famously known as Shazaam now, as part of the new 52 which has reinvented a lot of the old storyline's and characters such as our man Shazaam. Up until recently Shazaam was an actually Billy Batson's mentor who was training Captain Marvel (The two were constantly mixed up so Marvel's name was changed to Shazaam as part of the new 52 series)
Thank you for reading, please come back tomorrow for another issue of Comic Trivia Of The Day. Please +1 and subscribe!!! :D
Tuesday, 7 May 2013
Comic Trivia Of The Day- Professor X
So here is today's issue of Comic Trivia Of The Day. Enjoy!
Many people know who Charles Xavier aka Professor X is. A man who is a figurehead for the mutant community, setting up a school for the gifted for those young pupils to hone and craft their powers in order to use them for good whilst also protecting them from the prejudice outside world.
Along with being a father figure at the school, for both students and teachers (who consist of Cyclops, Storm and even Wolverine) he is also probably the worlds most powerful telepathic. He can access the minds of anyone (excluding Magneto when he wears his custom-made helmet) he can cage dark personalities within someone (the Phoenix in Jean Gray for example) whilst he can pick out your darkest secrets if he wanted to.
Since he is all so powerful, many people wonder why he is in a wheelchair since he wasn't born that way and he doesn't suffer from any debilitating illnesses. Most people, who have either read the comics or seen the film, know that Professor X was unfortunately paralysed by another. Many people believe that it was either at the hands of Magneto ( was is depicted in X-Men First Class) or by the mammoth Juggernaut. But this is not the case.
According to the main continuity line that Marvel uses, Professor Charles Xavier was actually paralysed by an alien scout named Lucifer who dropped a giant stone onto the Professor which caused Charles' legs to be crippled. Seems a bit odd that one it wasn't one of the main characters we here of when reading a comic with any involvement of the X-Men but hey-ho.
Thank you for reading guys and girls, come back tomorrow for another issue of Comic Trivia Of The Day
Along with being a father figure at the school, for both students and teachers (who consist of Cyclops, Storm and even Wolverine) he is also probably the worlds most powerful telepathic. He can access the minds of anyone (excluding Magneto when he wears his custom-made helmet) he can cage dark personalities within someone (the Phoenix in Jean Gray for example) whilst he can pick out your darkest secrets if he wanted to.
According to the main continuity line that Marvel uses, Professor Charles Xavier was actually paralysed by an alien scout named Lucifer who dropped a giant stone onto the Professor which caused Charles' legs to be crippled. Seems a bit odd that one it wasn't one of the main characters we here of when reading a comic with any involvement of the X-Men but hey-ho.
Thank you for reading guys and girls, come back tomorrow for another issue of Comic Trivia Of The Day
Monday, 6 May 2013
Comic Trivia Of The Day-X-men Origins: Wolverine
So today's little piece of trivia is something that I have just realised. Literally moments before I began writing this post for you.
X-men Origins: Wolverine was probably the best of all the X-men films that have been made so far. The casting was surprisingly good and even Will.I.Am did an all right job. But the supporting character I am most interested in was Ryan Reynolds He portrays a. character known as Wade Wilson. More well known in the comic books as our favourite mercenary Deadpool.
Unfortunately for us fans he didn't turn into the character we all now and love but he turned into a super-mutant with the powers of many of the other X-men including Scott Summers, Cyclops. Although he turns into a grotesque monster which many fans feel cheated out of, there were still some subtle references to the insane character.
One is that when Wade turns into the 'The Deadpool' you see that his mouth is sewn up (see below) and Stryker says how Wade always talked to much. Obviously this is a reference to the 'Merc with a Mouth '
Another little fact is that Ryan Reynolds, like a lot of us, wanted a Deadpool film but he insisted it had to be Rated-R so that it can capture all of the magic. According to the wiki-page for X-Men Origins:Wolverine, Reynolds never wanted it to be family friendly like Captain America. So we can sit-and-wait for people to forget he was in Origins and hopefully, with probable success with the new game coming out, a film will be put into production.
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Unfortunately for us fans he didn't turn into the character we all now and love but he turned into a super-mutant with the powers of many of the other X-men including Scott Summers, Cyclops. Although he turns into a grotesque monster which many fans feel cheated out of, there were still some subtle references to the insane character.
One is that when Wade turns into the 'The Deadpool' you see that his mouth is sewn up (see below) and Stryker says how Wade always talked to much. Obviously this is a reference to the 'Merc with a Mouth '
Another little fact is that Ryan Reynolds, like a lot of us, wanted a Deadpool film but he insisted it had to be Rated-R so that it can capture all of the magic. According to the wiki-page for X-Men Origins:Wolverine, Reynolds never wanted it to be family friendly like Captain America. So we can sit-and-wait for people to forget he was in Origins and hopefully, with probable success with the new game coming out, a film will be put into production.
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Friday, 3 May 2013
Comic Trivia Of The Day- The Scarecrow
The last of this week's Comic Trivia Of The Day but never fear, it will be back Monday.

So today we will be looking at Jonathan Crane aka The Scarecrow. The Scarecrow was introduced to us in World's Finest Comics #3, way back in 1941.
Crane uses a mixture of psychology and fear tactics to cause his victims to hallucinate, turn insane and he can also literally scare people to death using a special concoction of chemicals that floods the victim with their deepest fears. The Scarecrow has used these custom weapons to tear havoc through the streets of Gotham over the years, be it on his own or with other super-criminals as part of The Injustice Gang or The Sinestro Corps.
This can even be seen in the two of the three most recent Batman films with Raz al Guhl and Bane, this is where the trivia comes in.
Did you know that Jonathan Crane is the only villain to appear in each of the Christopher Nolan films and this is more than any other villain, including The Joker who is portrayed as Batman's greatest enemy. Although he appears in all three film, he only portrays the Scarecrow in two of them (snippets throughout Batman Begins and The very beginning of The Dark Knight) because he is shown in 'normal' clothes when acting as the judge in The Dark Knight Rises.
Thank you for reading!! come back on Monday for more Comic Trivia Of The Day!
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So today we will be looking at Jonathan Crane aka The Scarecrow. The Scarecrow was introduced to us in World's Finest Comics #3, way back in 1941.
Crane uses a mixture of psychology and fear tactics to cause his victims to hallucinate, turn insane and he can also literally scare people to death using a special concoction of chemicals that floods the victim with their deepest fears. The Scarecrow has used these custom weapons to tear havoc through the streets of Gotham over the years, be it on his own or with other super-criminals as part of The Injustice Gang or The Sinestro Corps.
This can even be seen in the two of the three most recent Batman films with Raz al Guhl and Bane, this is where the trivia comes in.
Did you know that Jonathan Crane is the only villain to appear in each of the Christopher Nolan films and this is more than any other villain, including The Joker who is portrayed as Batman's greatest enemy. Although he appears in all three film, he only portrays the Scarecrow in two of them (snippets throughout Batman Begins and The very beginning of The Dark Knight) because he is shown in 'normal' clothes when acting as the judge in The Dark Knight Rises.
Thank you for reading!! come back on Monday for more Comic Trivia Of The Day!
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Thursday, 2 May 2013
Is Joseph Gordon-Levitt going to be Batman in 2015?
Christian Bale made it quite clear that he did not want to participate in any form of a Justice League film, even before it was announced that it would be released in 2015. This poses the question, who is going to portray Batman in what will hopefully be one of the biggest films of the year as well as bringing DC superhero films up to their Marvel counterparts.
Batman plays a huge role in the Justice League and if he wasn't joint-leader, along with Superman, he would be a very close second in command. So who do I here you ask will feel the role of Batman. Well anybody who has seen The Dark Knight Rises knows that it is hinted that JGL will take over the role of the caped crusader but this is also backed up by something Bruce Wayne says during the film. "The idea was to be a symbol. Batman could be anybody, that was the point." shows that the role of Batman definitely has the option and opportunity to be taken over.
John Blake would have chance to train in the Bat-Cave where Bruce once trained in order to master his detective skills to be ready for when the world needs the heroes of the DC universe to come together to fight whatever evil it may bring!
Thank you for giving this a read. If you have you own views on this matter please comment and share your thoughts.
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Comic Trivia Of The Day-The Red Hulk
Here is another issue of Comic Trivia Of The Day!!
So today we will be looking the man who has hated Bruce Banner and The Hulk equally throughout his tragic creation, General 'Thunderbolt' Ross. Before The Hulk was ever created, Ross fought in both World War II and The Korean War which is where he gained his military knowledge and tactics that he later applied to his personal war with The Hulk.
General Ross then took it too the next level in order to beat the big green monster. He became the thing that he hated the most, a Hulk. But he wasn't the Hulk that everybody knew. The first thing you would notice would be his colouring. Unlike the the original, this new Hulk was red and appeared to have a slightly smaller build that the big green mammoth.
Another difference between the new creation and the original was the level of intellect that the new Hulk had.
The Red Hulk maintained all of the memories and intellect along with all of his army tactics where as Bruce Banner's Hulk was a primitive, cave-man, type, beast.
"I was General Thunderbolt Ross. I became the very thing that I hated most in life. I am the Red Hulk. And for all I've done... I deserve to die......" The Red Hulk
Thank you for reading, come back tomorrow for another issue of Comic Trivia Of The Day!
So today we will be looking the man who has hated Bruce Banner and The Hulk equally throughout his tragic creation, General 'Thunderbolt' Ross. Before The Hulk was ever created, Ross fought in both World War II and The Korean War which is where he gained his military knowledge and tactics that he later applied to his personal war with The Hulk.
General Ross then took it too the next level in order to beat the big green monster. He became the thing that he hated the most, a Hulk. But he wasn't the Hulk that everybody knew. The first thing you would notice would be his colouring. Unlike the the original, this new Hulk was red and appeared to have a slightly smaller build that the big green mammoth.
Another difference between the new creation and the original was the level of intellect that the new Hulk had.
The Red Hulk maintained all of the memories and intellect along with all of his army tactics where as Bruce Banner's Hulk was a primitive, cave-man, type, beast.
"I was General Thunderbolt Ross. I became the very thing that I hated most in life. I am the Red Hulk. And for all I've done... I deserve to die......" The Red Hulk
Thank you for reading, come back tomorrow for another issue of Comic Trivia Of The Day!
Wednesday, 1 May 2013
Comic Trivia Of The Day- Deapool's Face
So today Ladies and Gents we will once again be looking at Marvels favourite lunatic Deadpool.
As mentioned before, Deadpool was part of the weapon x programme ( the same programme that gave Wolverine his adamantium skeleton). Obviously poor Wade's body couldn't handle the stress and he turned a lot crazy, talking to himself all of the time (read any Deadpool comic) But as you can see in the picture above, Wade Wilson does not have the prettiest face in the world.
This is actually a result of being part of the weapon x program. Because of the healing factor that was added to Deadpool, the tumours he was trying to cure also kept healing themselves thus causing a huge internal battle within the body of Deadpool, hence the patchy face.
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As mentioned before, Deadpool was part of the weapon x programme ( the same programme that gave Wolverine his adamantium skeleton). Obviously poor Wade's body couldn't handle the stress and he turned a lot crazy, talking to himself all of the time (read any Deadpool comic) But as you can see in the picture above, Wade Wilson does not have the prettiest face in the world.
This is actually a result of being part of the weapon x program. Because of the healing factor that was added to Deadpool, the tumours he was trying to cure also kept healing themselves thus causing a huge internal battle within the body of Deadpool, hence the patchy face.
Thank you for reading! If you liked this please read the other posts and +1 them all :D
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