Wednesday, 20 March 2013

Spider-man and Red Hood, Who's copying who?

Ok so I admit the title must be a bit misleading and I can understand why but please hear me out.

After reading through the first issue of Marvel Fact Files I noticed the outfit that Spider-man wore whilst battling the Sinister Six in the series Amazing Spider-Man (Issue 682) you can see that Spider-man is donning a different costume compared to his usual red and blue spandex. Although looking pretty bad-ass in his outfit, I cant help noticing the mask that he has donned for this mission looks pretty damn similar to that of Jason Todd's Red Hood costume, especially in the animated film 'Under the Red Hood' (which, personally, is the best animated comic book film I have ever seen)

Due to the comic being published in March 2012 it appears that Marvel has 'borrowed' the idea off of the DC character. Due to the fact that there are close to a thousand different characters through out the pages of comics and I'm sure anyone of us would struggle to come up with a tenth of the amount of designs floating about.

I also doubt very much that the artists copied the idea more likely it was subliminal and you have to admit, the mask goes with the awesome armour really well.

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