Watching the trailer I noticed some immediate differences between this up-and-coming title and its predecessors. First of all 'X' and 'Y' will be on the 3DS and there appears to be a lot of graphical changes to the gameplay, especially with the pokemon battles, in this new instalment With the increased power of the 3DS compared to its previous formats, pokemon battles now appear to have a more animated feel, actually moving when attacking and dodging, similar to Pokemon Colosseum. With that said however, the trailer shows that this generation of Pokemon seem to have a more cartoonish feel to it which may put some people off.
Another addition with the 3D element is actually whilst you are roaming around. It appears that the player will have more of a eye-level view of the pokemon world when you travel across the routes, through the towns and cities, caves and across the oceans which I personally believe will immerse the gamer even more. Saying this, and from speaking to other people who told me where to find the announcement, as a group we feel that it is a big change to Pokemon and some feel that it could be losing its identity. For 15 years (17 if you're from Japan) Pokemon has had roughly the same birds-eye-view that we have grown up with although obviously there has been some graphic updates which was definitely necessary to help grow to be the phenomenon that it is. With the introduction of a fully 3D environment and player some people may find that nostalgia may get in the way when trying to determine whether or not it will actually be a good game or ,if they believe, Gamefreak and Nintendo are just trying to squeeze as much money as possible out of the pokemon franchise. Anyway enough of that, onto the starters.
It was revealed in the announcement what the three starter Pokemon will be; Chespin (grass-type), Froakie (water-type) and Fennekin (fire-type). From first glance I have to say that I'm not impressed with Chespin. Nothing about it shouts grass type to me other than its little green crown. saying this however, I am kind of excited to see what it involves to, probably (and hopefully) into something that looks epic. Although my feeling about Chespin isn't great at the moment, I do however like the other 2 starters. Froakie is your typical water type pokemon which GameFreak usually do well for each generation. Fennekin looks impressive already as a starter making me want to know what the fire-fox involves into at later stages of the game. These aren't the only new pokemon that were revealed in the trailer however, we get legendaries.
This concludes my little piece on the new Pokemon announcement. Hopefully it will be as good as Black 2 and White 2 that was only released last year. What do you think? Drop a comment below and express your thoughts.
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